
Update history in 2014


2014/12/18 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大刀「月鬼」鬼神丸国重写を出品
Dec. 18th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Tsukioni" (replica of Kishinmaru Kunishige) for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
←Click! SOLD
2014/12/06 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大刀「大倶利伽羅廣光写」を出品
Dec. 6th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Oogurikara Hiromitsu" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/11/18 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大刀「黒羽」肥前忠広写を出品
Nov. 18th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Kuroha" like Hizen-Tadahiro for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/11/03 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大刀「松風」孫六兼元写を出品
Nov. 3rd 2014 The Japanese long sword "Matsukaze" like Magoroku-Kanemoto for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/10/23〜26 アルバムに人形小物を12件追加。
Oct. 23-24th 2014 12-items for dolls were added to the album.

2014/10/22 ヤフオク!にSD用 御守刀「雅姫」を出品
Oct. 22th 2014 The Japanese princess dagger "Tadahime" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/10/22 ヤフオク!にSD用 御守刀「彩姫」を出品
Oct. 22th 2014 The Japanese princess dagger "Ayahime" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/10/14 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大小揃「陸奥守吉行写」坂本龍馬拵を出品
Oct. 14th 2014 The Japanese long & short swords "Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki replica" of Sakamoto Ryouma style for SuperDollfie were sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/09/26 ヤフオク!にSD用 鎖鎌(くさりがま)を出品
Sep. 26th 2014 The Japanese sickle and chain weapon for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/09/22 ヤフオク!にSD用 日本刀「月痕」(長曽祢虎徹写)を出品
Sep. 22th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Tsukiato" like Nagasone-Kotetsu for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/09/14 ヤフオク!にSD用 逆刃刀「緋暗」を出品
Sep. 14th 2014 The Japanese reverse edge sword "Akegure" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/09/03 ヤフオク!にSD用 薙刀「窕月」(同田貫写し)を出品
Sep. 3rd 2014 The Japanese halberd "Yougetsu" like Doutanuki for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/08/25 ヤフオク!にSD用 竹籠と和鳥(メジロ/雄)を出品
Aug. 24th 2014 The bamboo birdcage and Japanese bird (white-eye/male) for SuperDollfie were sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/08/24 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大小「雪華」(鬼神丸国重写し)を出品
Aug. 24th 2014 The Japanese long & short swords "Sekka" like Kishinmaru by Kunishige for SuperDollfie were sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/08/13 ブログ更新『SD用日本刀 大小揃「咲耶」(オーダー)』
Aug. 13th 2014 Our BLOG was updated. "The Japanese long & short swords 'Sakuya' for SuperDollfie, ordered"
2014/07/14 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀「叢雨」を出品
Jul. 14th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Murasame" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/06/27 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀「影髏」(村正写し)を出品
Jun. 27th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Kagerou" like Muramasa for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/06/20 ヤフオク!にSD用 御守刀「玄姫」を出品
Jun. 20th 2014 The Japanese princess dagger "Haruhime" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/06/15 ヤフオク!にSD用 大刀・白鞘「鉄丸」を出品
Jun. 15th 2014 The Japanese long sword of white sheath "Kuroganemaru" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/06/08 ヤフオク!にSD用 斬馬刀・小脇差 揃「仙樂」を出品
Jun. 8th 2014 Zanbato the Japanese extra-long sword & small short blade set "Sengaku" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/06/04 ブログ更新『SD用日本刀 脇差「堀川国広写」土方歳三拵(オーダー)』
Jun. 4th 2014 Our BLOG was updated. "The replica of Japanese short sword 'Horikawa Kunihiro' of Hijikata Toshizo style for SuperDollfie, ordered"
2014/05/24 ヤフオク!にSD用 御守刀「斎姫」を出品
May 24th 2014 The Japanese princess dagger "Itsukiihime" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/05/24 ヤフオク!にSD用 御守刀「祭姫」を出品
May 24th 2014 The Japanese princess dagger "Mtsurihime" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/05/09 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀「和泉守兼定写」(土方歳三拵)を出品
May 9th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Izuminokami Kanesada replica" of Hijikata Toshizo style for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/05/05 ブログ更新『SD用日本刀 脇差「笹歌」(オーダー)』
May 5th 2014 Our BLOG was updated. "The Japanese short sword 'Sasauta' for SuperDollfie, ordered"
2014/04/25 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀「黄龍」(虎徹写し)を出品
Apr. 25th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Kouryu" like Kotetsu for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/04/09 ヤフオク!にSD用 日本刀「笹歌」(一周年記念モデル)を出品
Apr. 9th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Sasauta" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction. The 1st anniversary!
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2014/03/29 ヤフオク!にSD用 直槍「昂」を出品
Mar. 23th 2014 The Japanese spear"Subaru" for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/03/29 マニュアルに「SD用 槍」を追加
Feb. 4th 2014 The manual about Japanese spear for dolls was added.
2014/03/23 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀「白夜」(菊一文字写し)を出品
Mar. 23th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Byakuya" like Kiku-ichimonji for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/03/12 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀「冬華」(鬼神丸国重写し)を出品
Mar. 12th 2014 The Japanese long sword "Touka" like Kishinmaru by Kunishige for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/02/17 ヤフオク!にSD用 剣鉈(黒打両刃仕上げ)を出品
Feb. 17th 2014 The Japanese machete-02 for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/02/09 ヤフオク!にSD用日本刀 大小「天川」を出品
Feb. 9th 2014 The Japanese long & short swords "Tenkawa" for SuperDollfie were sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/02/04 マニュアルに「SD用 ナイフ・鉈」を追加
Feb. 4th 2014 The manual about Knives and Japanese machete for dolls was added.
2014/02/03 ヤフオク!にSD用 腰鉈(黒打片刃仕上げ)を出品
Feb. 3rd 2014 The Japanese machete-01 for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction
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2014/01/25 ヤフオク!にSD/DD用 光剣 ダブルブレードIIIを出品
Jan. 25th 2014 The light sword with double blade(II) for SuperDollfie was sent to Yahoo! auction
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2014/01/25 ヤフオク!にSD・DD用 光剣 シングルブレードIIを出品
Jan. 25th 2014 The light sword with single blade for dolls was sent to Yahoo! auction.
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2014/01/13 ヤフオク!にSD用 逆刃刀「緋月」を出品
Jan. 13th 2014 The Japanese reverse edge sword "Akatsuki" for SuperDollfiewas sent to Yahoo! auction.
←Click! SOLD



【Le Cirque du Papillon】


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